FruchtWeckRuf campaign – How to give joy and support the Bible world

We want to make the Bible World even better known and need your help to do so in the form of a high-profile campaign that attracts attention. Since posters and flyers alone hardly reach the people, we ask you to start a “FruchtWeckRuf” in your place during this time of fruits.

Here’s how we thought about it: We want to

(1) give “fruity” gifts at the church door, because the Bible gives us people fruity gifts (2) invite people to a summer excursion to the world of the Bible and give them a free ticket with the minifolder at the

Give away jam jar 1 free entry.

This requires an action:
(1) They appeal to people who like to make fruit into jams, etc., and some of it is

can deliver.

  1. (2) You mark these jars with our “Mini-Folder” and the label inscription:
  2. (3) You talk to public officials, first and foremost the leaders of your congregation, whether you can, for example, set up a table at the church door after the Sunday service, where you give away these homemade products. If who wants to give a donation to this, it can remain in its place for a good cause.

As a flanking measure, you ensure that
(1) Announced the action through their community media,
(2) is made known during the proclamations at the conclusion of the services,
(3) Posters and folders of the Bible World in the church, showcases, etc. hung up, or put up.


With this action we want to make the Bible world known. Since jams are kept in the refrigerator for a long time, at least the label is a constant reminder of the Bible world. In this way, this campaign sustainably arouses attention and motivation to visit the Bible World.

With warm greetings, also in the name of our chairman of the Bible World Rev. Heinrich Wagner

Eduard Baumann

Bibelwelt will gladly send you self-adhesive “FruchtWeckRuf” labels on which the types of jam can be entered. There is a larger and smaller version, depending on the size of the jam jars donated. (see photo)

Bibelwelt | Plainstraße 42 A| 5020 Salzburg | M +43 (0)676 87467085 | | | ZVR number: 547155927, UID no.: ATU71060512 | Your donation is tax deductible:
In Austria: Erste Bank Österreich | IBAN AT35 2011 1845 2070 4900 | BIC GIBAATWWXXX, in the name of: “Bibelwelt” In Germany: Deutsche Skatbank | IBAN DE31 8306 5408 0004 1538 04 | BIC GENO DEF1 SLR, in the name of: “Deutscher Förderverein der Bibelwelt in Salzburg e.V.”.

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