Cribs from around the world

Preliminary info: Opening “CRIPTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD” and READING Willibald Feinig “The Passage “Little Child – Great God

Press release

Bible World. Experience being human. Understanding Humanity.

Salzburg, 7.10.21

CRIBS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD – Little child – Big God

On November 6, 5 p.m. the 11th special exhibition “CRIPTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD – Little Child – Big God” will start in the Bible World ( ). It will be opened by the passionate crib enthusiast and Bishop of Regensburg Dr. Rudolf Voderholzer.

“This time it worked!” said Regensburg-born director of Bibelwelt Dr. Eduard Baumann, “I knew that he (namely Bishop Voderholzer) was magically attracted to nativity scenes! Our exhibition with nativity scenes from all over the world was the deciding factor to “free up” a window of time for the long-planned visit of the home bishop.

Chairman Rev. Heinrich Wagner succeeded in bringing more than 100 expressive nativity scenes from the collection of Richard Sedlacek from Murnau, which was oversized with 700 copies, to Salzburg. On display are exhibits from South America, Africa, Asia and Europe in a wide variety of materials, styles, colors and sizes from 1 m to 1 cm. It becomes clear that the Alpine nativity scenes with landscapes and stables that we are familiar with are rather an exception to the worldwide custom of staging the Christmas story.

The opening will be followed by a reading on Nov. 6, 2021, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. as part of the “Salzburg Book Days.” In the parish hall of St. Elisabeth, Willibald Feinig will read the title story from his book of prose “Der Vorübergang” (The Passage) and take the visitors to the end point of Jesus of Nazareth. Thus, an exciting picture of birth and death emerges on this day. The latter will also get a visual illustration in the spring through impressive Passion cribs.

For opening and reading, the Corona rules required at those times apply. For both no registration is necessary: Infoline:, Tel 0676 8746 7080

Key data:

6.11. 21, 17.00 Opening of the 11th special exhibition “CRIPTS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD – Little Child – Big God” in the Bible World, Plainstr. 42, 5020 Salzburg

The exhibition can be visited until 31.1.2022 during regular opening hours: Mon, Thu-Sat 10.00-18.00, Sun and holidays 11.00-18.00 (last admission: 17.00), special opening hours: 24.12. and 31.12. 21 10 a.m.-1 p.m., closed 12/25/21/22, daily for groups by appointment at. Tel +43 (0) 676 8746 7080,

– 6.11.21, 18.30 Reading Willibald Feinig “Der Vorübergang” in the “Rahmen der Salzburger Buchtage” in the parish hall of St. Elisabeth Plainstr. 42 A, 5020 Salzburg

In cooperation with the Richard Sedlacek Collection Murnauor the Salzburg Book Festival 2021,respectively supported by the Katholisches Bildungswerk Salzburg – St. Elisabeth, the sponsors and theethe Bible Department of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Salzburg.

Attached: Flight of the Holy Family, South America

Infoline and further photo material: Dir. Dr. Eduard Baumann, Bible World, Plainstr. 42 A, 5020 Salzburg, Tel 0676 8746 7085,,

The Bible World in the Church of St. Elisabeth Salzburg is a private museum with supra-regional significance and sees itself as a house of experience in which biblical stories can be experienced first-hand on 700 m². It is supported by the ecumenically run association “Bibelwelt” with the support of the parish of St. Elisabeth and the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Salzburg. The association “Bibelwelt” (ZVR number: 547155927) aims with means of biblically related art (focus on modern art) to 1. To promote interest in the Old and New Testaments with special attention to a holistic experiential approach, awaken and deepen personal experiences of faith, provide an encounter with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the context of modernity, and promote mutual respect and understanding of these three monotheistic religions. The Bibelwelt-Verein is exclusively a non-profit organization and its activities are not aimed at making a profit. Donations are tax deductible: In Austria (MP-11621): Oberbank Salzburg: BIC: OBKLAT2L, IBAN: AT41 1500 0001 1118 7563, made out to “Bibelwelt”. In Germany: Deutsche Skatbank | IBAN DE31 8306 5408 0004 1538 04 | BIC GENO DEF1 SLR, made out to: “Deutscher Förderverein der Bibelwelt in Salzburg e.V.”.

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