Wolfgang Richter

Willow art weaving “Growing and working” in the front garden of the Bible World, press release

Bible World. Experience being human. Understanding Humanity. Salzburg, the 2.6.22

Opening Willow art weaving “Growing and working – Reflections of infinity” in the front garden of the Bible World

The Bible World will open the willow art weaving “Growing and WorkingReflections of Infinityby artistWolfgang Richter in the front yard of the Bible World on Pentecost Sunday 5/6/22, 11:15 am.

Why willows before the Bible world? Willows are considered very vital because of their enormous rash capacity. They are a symbol of vitality. The branches, freshly cut in March, have already sprouted and overgrown the basic shape. What new form will emerge from this remains to be seen. This should also be a symbol for the growing project Bible World.

Two times 50 branches are arranged as two spirals, which are found in the center. The number fifty underlines the beginning of a new chapter in the Bible. Fifty days after the Exodus from Egypt, the Israelites received the 10 Commandments and renewed their covenant with God. The festival of Shavuot is a reminder of this.

Also on a feast of Shavuot (Pentecost), the Holy Spirit was poured out. This event marked the beginning of the apostles’ mission. Two times 50 branches are arranged as two spirals, which are found in the center. One row is provided with mirrors on the cut surface. Where there is an end, the reflection creates infinity.

“The artwork has already generated a lot of interest among people who visit our biblical experience house, the church and the Elisabeth House,” said Dir. Eduard Baumann of Bible World. “Some people were amazed and smiled. That makes me particularly happy. There a small growing creation opens up very directly, in which infinity is also reflected.”

The willow art weaving is free in the front garden of the Bible World in Plainstr. 42, 5020 Salzburgaccessible. For the artist’s biography see also: http://www.salzburg.gv.at/kultur_/Documents/wolfgang_richter.pdf

In cooperation with Wolfgang Richter, supported by the Garden Department of the City of Salzburg, the Katholisches Bildungswerk Salzburg – St. Elisabeth, the sponsors*and the Bible Department of the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Salzburg.

Captions: Willows – Vital growth that gives hope – Shapes emerge – Reflections of infinity – Design for Bible World
Photo credit: Bible World

Infoline and further photo material:

– Mag. Dr.phil. Wolfgang Richter, +43 664 73626649, wolfgangrichter@aon.at

– Dir. Dr. Eduard Baumann, Bibelwelt, Plainstraße 42A, 5020 Salzburg, +43 676 8746-7085, bibelwelt.at@gmail.com www.bibelwelt.at

The Bible World in the Church of St. Elisabeth Salzburg is a private museum with supra-regional significance and sees itself as a house of experience in which biblical stories can be experienced first-hand on 700 m². It is supported by the ecumenically run association “Bibelwelt” with the support of the parish of St. Elisabeth and the Pastoral Office of the Archdiocese of Salzburg. The association “Bibelwelt” (ZVR number: 547155927) aims with means of biblically related art (focus on modern art) to 1. To promote interest in the Old and New Testaments with special attention to a holistic experiential approach, 2.to awaken and deepen personal experiences of faith, 3.to provide an encounter with Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in the context of modernity, and 4.to promote mutual respect and understanding of these three monotheistic religions. The Bibelwelt-Verein is exclusively a non-profit organization and its activities are not aimed at making a profit. Donations are tax deductible: In Austria (MP-11621): Erste Bank Österreich | IBAN AT35 2011 1845 2070 4900 | BIC GIBAATWWXXX, made out to “Bibelwelt”. In Germany: Deutsche Skatbank | IBAN DE31 8306 5408 0004 1538 04 | BIC GENO DEF1 SLR, made out to: “Deutscher Förderverein der Bibelwelt in Salzburg e.V.”.

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